Monday, August 25, 2008

last minute try and a push.

i threw my name in the "hat" for GDT for Paper Trunk.  i'm not holding my breathe as i hardly ever enter anything anymore but i got a last minute desire to try to make the deadline...that's just how i am. lol  i was inspired by Tina over at CMK when she posted a mid-week challenge to make a layout from a transparancy.  i didn't have one of the designed ones but i had been wanting to use a plain one and i DID!

Little mailman

here are some close ups and if anyone can tell me why my BRAND NEW scanner makes everything FLOURECENT and how to adjust it, please let me know. lol

Little mailman 2

Little mailman 3

Little mailman 4

Little mailman 5

i had fun with this layout and i loved the idea of putting ink circles on the back side of the transparency to mimmick the circles on the Paper Trunk paper with circles.  TFL! :)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

ok i cleaned.

...and rearranged...and purged.  this is what i ended up with so far.  a new leaner scrap space.  over the years i have down-sized my scrap room/area maybe a half dozen times.  started out with a huge office style setting taking up the whole rec room we had in our house.  as time went by i got a little lonely and realized i could be more creative when i had my family around.  so i kept moving furniture back into my scrap area...made a tv room for the kiddos to watch tv while i scrapped.  fast forward to today.....i've managed to get down to a corner in the room and have comfortable seating for family and friends to hang.  i still have a folding table that i put up on occasion when someone comes to scrap or i really feel the creative juices flowing.  i like my new space.  hubby made the desk part and the upper shelf and attached them to the two cabinets i picked up at an auction a couple years ago.  i can work on a page if i just move my keyboard but no extra room to make OR leave a mess. lol

Scrap space 1

Scrap space 2

Scrap space 3

Scrap space 4

Scrap space 5

Scrap space 6

so far i have done well with organizing to keep things within easy access.  some day i would love to have one huge armoire that everything could be enclosed but at reach (yes i can dream!). :)


if i get a change i might label and describe where everything is...sometime...someday. maybe. lol

Friday, August 22, 2008

do u know?


i'm still figuring out my ipod and want to know what is all out there.  can you load movies you load to your pc?  can you load FREE music/movies online somewhere???  i've been browsing itunes but i'm not big on filling up my ipod with .99 cent music all at once. lol  i know i can load my cds but i haven't bought any in a long while and would like some newer music.  what do you know???? :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

blog award.

i've "known" this SUPER sweet girl online for several years (i think it's safe to say that many as the yahoo group we were in has been gone for 2-3 yrs and it was going strong for a couple i believe).  at any rate, Cami has been a faithful visitor to my blog and i enjoy reading her posts.  too bad we live so far apart girlie! ;)

thanks Cami for this blog award and i'm seriously sorry for taking so long to get it up.  i get scatter brained sometimes. hugs to ya! :D

so here is the deal-io....


Now the rules of such an award.. to pass this award on to someone you think is deserving:

Display logo and link to who gave it to you.

Nominate at least 7 blogs.  Add links to those 7 blogs....I'M GOING TO DO THREE!

Leave the nominees a message that they received the award.

Okay ladies, it's your turn. In no particular order...

Robyn - amazing person and inspiring scrapper!  i love this girl!!!

Shawna - have always admired this girls creative flair.  you MUST visit her blog!!!

Juliana - couldn't wait until this girlie started a blog.  i look to her for motivating inspiration in her designs.

Monday, August 18, 2008

school starts.


Today 026

today was the start of a new school year.  i thought i was ready to get them out of the house. lol  i love them to pieces but at ages 9 & 12 they were so restless being home that it was time.  i'm a little bummed that they are actually gone though.  i worry with hope that their day is going to go smoothly.  Lake's stomache hurt a bit this morning....i explained it had to be his "nerves".  it's no doubt we (mothers) are made to feel their pain because my stomache didn't feel well either.  i can't wait to see them again this afternoon.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

love him.


no he's not my hubby. lol  his name is David Bromstad.  he is a fabulous designer that i looooovvveee watching on HGTV.  if you haven't seen his show, Color MUST!  i love his different take on design and how he adds his personal touch of one-of-a-kind art!  he so ROCKS!

do you have a favorite design show?  please share. :)


yep, everyone has them.  if anyone out there knows how to stop them (while continuing to LIVE, lol) please let me know, k?!?!  so....i had another one.  i usually don't want to talk about them and this came on shortly after i turned 30.  for some reason this year i was in a totally great mood and felt great on my birthday....turning 35 wasn't all that bad. hm.

i had breakfast in bed.....served by the cutest little server guy eva!  i was greeted with orange juice and breakfast wraps (which in our house consists of; eggs, sausage, velveeta & soft flour shells).  as the day seemed to fly by i was surrounded by family and treated to dinner at my fav-o-rite steakhouse for a meal i couldn't even eat HALF of. lol  i was gifted cards, money and this...


now i gotta figure it out. lol  umm, i was told it holds movies too.  oh, hubby topped my day off with a cake from dairy queen....mmmmm....icecream cake. :)

i also wanted badly to get a family photo shoot in (nothing too great but something recent that we all look appropriately dressed at the same time) that didn't happen.  i did manage to get a photo of my kiddos the day before though...

My three (2)

THIS is what i live for.  THIS is why i am a mother.  THIS is what makes me smile daily.  THIS is what gives me gray hair. lol  THIS is why i was put on earth.  THIS is why i take photos.  THIS is why i scrapbook.  THIS is why i don't buy things for myself.   THIS is why i am always thinking of the future.

i could go on but i figure i would lose you sooner or later. ;)  if you're a mom then you can totally relate....if not....maybe you can atleast tell that i am very loving. hee.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

home decor.

do you have the desire to have the right accents in your home?  do you search online or in mags for the right decorative inspiration?  i do.  i have for as long as i can remember.  i will say right now that it's NOT a priority in my life but it IS a creative desire i have long had.  i was in the interior design field for several years but have not been in it for more than 10 yrs. now.  i miss it...everything but the selling aspect of it.  designing your home isn't always financially practical.  i'm frugal at heart and for me to sell my design skills was very hard for me.  i have no trouble sharing the fact that today i shop craigslist, thrift stores, garage sales, auctions to obtain the decorative things i desire.  i RARELY pay full price for anything i own.  i am MORE proud of the things that i have found with the least amount of money spent.  yes, i put it out there....i have never been ashamed or not wanted anyone to know but i'm sure someone out there is probably saying "why is she sharing this". lol  i guess i felt the desire to 'vent' as i have been on a recent search for some things for my home.  i basically wonder sometimes if i am alone or are other's like this?  i LOVE to repurpose way of being 'green' i guess. ;)  i did recently find some interesting blogs and have them listed under 'HOME DECOR' off to the right of my blog.  enjoy. :)








this is the first layout i have actually done of our home.  i often say out load when i pull into our driveway that "i love our home"....often times my little guy (who is most likely with me) says it too.  it's definately a work in progress...but it's OUR progress and so gratifying. :)

i also was eager to scrap these pics of my little guy and i.  he is my little shadow.  with most days being just him and i, he tends to stick to my heels. lol  i love him.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008


i went there again. lol  i found a few cute things that i wanted to share.  like this cute set (noticed this morning it's already sold..pooo!).  i just NEEDED this little thing.  i've been debating on mixing in a 'train' theme in my little guys room since his daddy works on a train....thought this would be appropriate.  have you etsy'd in awhile? :)

hope you are being creative today.  i have a creative mess of Pink Paislee stuff right now.  hope to share a few fun things later today.

Monday, August 4, 2008

pink paislee.

i love this new(ish) scrapbooking manufacturer.  i just got my hands on their most recent releases and am loving them!