Sunday, March 30, 2008


a super sweet chic, Norma tagged me recently.  go check her stuff out...she will definately inspire you.

O.K Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you and leave a comment on their Blog.
2. Post the rules on your Blog.
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself on your Blog
4. Tag 7 random people , linking to their Blog. Let each person know by leaving a comment on their Blog.

Random Facts about me:

1.  I have NEVER smoked a cigerette (or anything ELSE for that matter, lol).

2.  I earned a scholarship to a beauty college when graduating from H.S. (I never used it).

3.  Growing up I could look at a photo of something and draw it.  I try to now, as I'm older, and can't. lol

4.  I wrecked my banana seat bicycle back when I was around 8 years old and to this day you can see where the gravel embedded in my right eyebrow.  Thank goodness for eyeliners. :)

5.  I LOVE peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwhiches. :)

6.  I LOVE antiques and know a lot about them but don't have my house filled with them.

7.  I frequent estate auctions and love bidding wars!  ha!

This was fun.  Now I'm going to tag;





ok...i tried finding the other 3 but looks like all the scrappy peeps i know of have been tagged recently so i won't throw another at 'em. lol

Can't wait to see what they share.

Friday, March 28, 2008

lookie what i've got coming.


i mentioned this fabulous artist a few posts back.  i sent a special request to her and she totally fullfilled it!  this sweet little dish is coming my way SOON! 

***i'll be back soon as i have just gotten home from an away trip and i've been tagged by a sweet girly.  see ya soon!

btw, this photo is off her Etsy site, i hope she doesn't mind me bragging. ;)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

hello. hello.

yeah, i'm still here. lol  i just don't have a computer that will let me upload pictures so i struggle to share things online right now. :(  i hope to have this remedied soon.  i have been online shopping for new scrappy stuff lately and am excited that i found a good deal on my new FAVE mini rub-on letters by doodlebug.  an ebay store sells them at $1.35 and i had been paying $2.00 at a lss!  with that great savings i bought a TON of 'em. teehee  i also finally broke down and bought a Heidi Swapp acrylic clock stamp set.  i have been debating/eyeing them for some time and decided that i could get the use out of them.  see, i'm frugal.  i hate to buy things that i may not hardly use or buy an embellie package that has only 3-4 pieces in it and costs $5.00!!!  that's just crazy.

i'm telling you, i have a HUGE scrap stash and honestly, most of it was either; on sale, won through a contest, rak or swap or gifted to me for a holiday of some sort.  i've never spent much of my money on supplies until this past month or so. lol  i guess if i didn't have extra tax money just sitting here i probably would be more frugal.  i also tend to get that "i never spend money on myself so now is the time" kind of attitude once in awhile.

ok, enough rambling. lol  i will share many layouts soon as i have them stacking up here on my desk.  i have been enjoying all the new scrappy products that are out.

have a good one!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

etsy again. *giggle*

look at these cuties i picked up on Etsy at Regina Easter's shoppe.  if you don't know who Regina is or have seen her FABULOUS cards you should check out her blog here.  i've enjoyed stalking her blog for some time now and find her work very inspiring.

hope you are creating today.  i sure am.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


i've been browsing Etsy a lot lately.  i have a new found appreciation for handmade things.  i made a special request to this shop and Leesa is making me something that should be ready in 2 weeks...i can't wait!  i've decided LONG ago to not fill my house with 'things'....knick knacks (if you will).  i want only meaningful items.  i have a special place for this little piece of art and can't wait to get it.

also, a great scrappy girl, Wendy, has a FABU shop with unique handmade bags, etc.  be sure to check her out as well. :)

do you etsy?  lemme know! :)


at my banner, silly!  a sweet scrappy girl, Norma offered to make me one and i totally dig it!  bright and fun, just what i wanted. 

thank you girl for honoring my requests!

i had a few offers from some great girlies and i truly appreciate it! ;)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

banner - header....whatever it's called.

i need one!

a scrappy chic i know of put a rak on her blog to get one designed and i think that is a fantastic idea.  i searched online for one but can you believe they are selling them for well over $50-60 dollars???  i appreciate art and design and know the talent that goes into it but geez i just want a simple fun header, kwim?

so, if anyone is interested in doing one for me and would be interested in a GC to their favorite scrap store or a fun rak please email me or comment here.  i don't want anything to detailed...

maybe some fun swrilies, worn notebook paper...something that looks like someone was doodling layout ideas and then throwing my title over top.

what do you think?

just a little post.


i'm getting spring fever, i think.  the weather is getting nicer.  it's 50 degrees today and the traces of snow are just about gone, thank goodness!  i'm also getting an itch to be creative...not just scrapping, but sewing.  i have some handmade ideas in my head and have thought of opening an Etsy shop for some time now...who knows.

the other day i was offered a job while shopping at the grocery store.  no, no...not to work at the grocery but a former co-worker was begging me to come back to work where i did work (but at another location).  oh how i miss event planning.  alas, i can not accept. :(  it's bittersweet really.  hubby works on the railroad and if you don't know what that entails....he has no set schedule.  we have three children who are active in activities.  i've always wanted to be a mother - first and FORMOST!  ah well, it was nice to be thought of. lol 

this happening just digs up the desire i have had for years to own my own business.  it will day....hopefully soon. :)  ok, i'm done blubbering. lol  i do want to share a couple pics of my little guy who i recently introduced to scrapping...he loves it!  he says "i wanna sappin' bookin' now".

Amys035 Amys036

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

i was inspired.

while browsing this blog the other day i was instantly inspired to 'whip' up this card (yes, it came to me really quickly, lol).  i encourage everyone to try it.

Time_to_get_well Time_to_get_well2 Time_to_get_well3

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"You make my day" award.

"a very sweet Renee over at CMK gave me this award.  how nice is that??? are the guidelines;


The rules for the You Make My Day award are to re-present it to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blog land. Let them know through email or by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times yourself, and if you do, consider yourself really, really loved.

Thanks Renee!!! So the FIVE (as i didn't have 10) people I am going to award are:

  1. Jeanette S.

  2. Kate Obrien

  3. Leslie Ashe

  4. Rachel Carlson

  5. Robyn Weatherspoon

Friday, March 7, 2008

new stuff.

i have it.  a little bit of everything...i really need to scrap! :)  within the last two days i have gotten;

Scenic Route Gafton (Winnings from Create My Keepsakes online crop)

Cherry Arte

Paper Trunk

Jenni Bowlin (lovin' the chalkboard alphas)

Bazzill's Just the Edge Cardstock Strips (i feel like i have stock in these, lol)

Autumn Leaves swirly clear stamps

Ranger Ink perfect pens (i'm really getting into heat embossing)

a hand full of adhesives (had to replenish my stash)

and lastly, i grabbed up some clearance items at Target...Autumn Leaves Modd black bird selection with all the trimmings (i can't wait to add the feathers to my layouts!)

ok, so i seriously need to get ta scrappin'!  what have you bought lately???

Monday, March 3, 2008

new challenge blog.

i ran across this site while browsing Wendy Reed's blog this morning.  i love this first challenge and have dug out some great photos to do a layout.  wanna play along...go check it out! {btw, Wendy rocked this challenge}

are you being creative today?  i am.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

our home... a never ending project. lol  it is a 1956 ranch style home.  it was built with all the "extras" of that era but what good does that do me???  seriously...plastic GREEN tile in the kitchen AND main bath????  mauve carpet????  i could go on but i won't. lol

i am happy to report that we are currantly working on about every room at once. lol  thanks to me, that is.  hubby isn't too thrilled about me starting projects in each room but hey, if i can't finish a project...why wait until WHEVER when i can go on to another task, right??? lol forward to this month.  i was able to partially finish our living room.  Remodel1 the paint color is honey Remodel2 {yep, YELLOW}.  would NEVER had thought about that color but it happened and it really warms up the room and wows people when they come in.  i'm always up for a shock factor. teehee  we still need to replace carpet, tile entry and add crown molding around the room but i wanted to share a few little peaksies.  oh, i got the word phrase from an etsy store.  it seriously looks painted on my textured walls.

have a happy day!