a super sweet chic, Norma tagged me recently. go check her stuff out...she will definately inspire you.
O.K Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you and leave a comment on their Blog.
2. Post the rules on your Blog.
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself on your Blog
4. Tag 7 random people , linking to their Blog. Let each person know by leaving a comment on their Blog.
Random Facts about me:
1. I have NEVER smoked a cigerette (or anything ELSE for that matter, lol).
2. I earned a scholarship to a beauty college when graduating from H.S. (I never used it).
3. Growing up I could look at a photo of something and draw it. I try to now, as I'm older, and can't. lol
4. I wrecked my banana seat bicycle back when I was around 8 years old and to this day you can see where the gravel embedded in my right eyebrow. Thank goodness for eyeliners. :)
5. I LOVE peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwhiches. :)
6. I LOVE antiques and know a lot about them but don't have my house filled with them.
7. I frequent estate auctions and love bidding wars! ha!
This was fun. Now I'm going to tag;
ok...i tried finding the other 3 but looks like all the scrappy peeps i know of have been tagged recently so i won't throw another at 'em. lol
Can't wait to see what they share.