Sunday, March 30, 2008


a super sweet chic, Norma tagged me recently.  go check her stuff out...she will definately inspire you.

O.K Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you and leave a comment on their Blog.
2. Post the rules on your Blog.
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself on your Blog
4. Tag 7 random people , linking to their Blog. Let each person know by leaving a comment on their Blog.

Random Facts about me:

1.  I have NEVER smoked a cigerette (or anything ELSE for that matter, lol).

2.  I earned a scholarship to a beauty college when graduating from H.S. (I never used it).

3.  Growing up I could look at a photo of something and draw it.  I try to now, as I'm older, and can't. lol

4.  I wrecked my banana seat bicycle back when I was around 8 years old and to this day you can see where the gravel embedded in my right eyebrow.  Thank goodness for eyeliners. :)

5.  I LOVE peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwhiches. :)

6.  I LOVE antiques and know a lot about them but don't have my house filled with them.

7.  I frequent estate auctions and love bidding wars!  ha!

This was fun.  Now I'm going to tag;





ok...i tried finding the other 3 but looks like all the scrappy peeps i know of have been tagged recently so i won't throw another at 'em. lol

Can't wait to see what they share.


  1. thank you so much for tagging me are so sweet..........I have been tagged several times within the last few weeks, months.....I really don't think there is anything new about me...(smile)...thanks again

  2. Hey girl! I love reading the facts about you! Oh the banana seat brings back memories! LOL...take care girlie! Hugs to you :-) ReneeLamb

  3. Hi, Amy! I used to be able to look at something and draw it too! I've never tried the sandwich...not sure if I will!!!
    Have a great weekend!

  4. Oops! I meant completed the tagging thing. It was my forst one! :)
