it doesn't always come out of my head onto paper as i want it to and this is just that....this layout was more eye catching in my head and after pushing embellishments around on it for over 3 hours i just gave up and adhered them. lol i still like it as it documents a fun/crazy moment where i caught my little guy using the pc and my ipod at the same time! why do i have trouble helping my pre-teens with homework if my 3 yr old can run these items??????? lol
Monday, September 29, 2008
local fair.
this past week was our annual fair in our town. i believe it was the 77th. we really enjoy going throughout the week as there is so much to see and do. from animals in the barns to rides and stuff. :)
also wanted to share a layout i recently completed. it's documenting the short time my bro-inlaw was home for a visit during his stay in iraq. i know it has to be soooo hard for my baby sister to deal with while just starting out in their marriage. she keeps busy with her schooling and planning for their home for when he returns. thanks for looking! :)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
have you ever.
have you ever had to watch your beloved pet pass away? i'm scared and sad. no, my pet has not passed on yet but it's going to happen....sooner then later, unfortunately. :(
12 years ago about this time of year i was told there was a man in a nearby town giving away doberman pincher puppies....yes, GIVING AWAY! i was just starting my life with my husband of two years and a daughter that was about 1 1/2 years in age. we knew this was the perfect time to let her grow up with a family pet. we quickly went to pick a pup out and my (then) step-mother took one too. fast forward about 6 years...i went through a divorce and in the end we (kiddos and i) did get to keep our Chloe (yep, that is her sweet name).
we've had our ups and downs with raising her. she was the most loving, nurturing and gentle dog. i swear she never barked for the first 5 yrs of her life. lol whenever she was around babies she would literally do an army crawl toward them as to show how gentle she could be. man, i love her. for most of her life she lived in doors with us. there were a couple years when she was 2 or 3 that we rented a home and were'nt allowed pets...but in the bad/cold weather i always placed her on a blanket just inside the back "mud room". it was like an inclosed small porch and i respected the landlord as to not let her run the house. i just couldn't let her freeze or get wet while we were in the comfort of a warm, dry home.
over the last 4-5 years Chloe developed allergies to different dog foods. we were nieve when we first got her as to what better foods were and honestly, growing father didn't actually set a caring example with pets (he wasn't abusive he just grew up as pets were to remain outside and they didn't get the quality, love and attention you would give a human). so, i had to learn as i went. we went from quality dog quality dog food. she was on medication for bladder leakage, she would have spells that as i described them were "crazy nights"...where she would pace all night through the house and whimper. the vet never did solve that one for us. she does that once about every two's weird. i am up most of the night with her. :(
about two years ago she developed a lump on the back most part of her rib cage area on one side...about the size of a walnut. the vet assured us it could be something....or nothing. it's common for animals to develop cists that just appear and stay wtih them. they also could get worse. i have no shame in saying i am not weathy by any means so as for just couldn't be done. that 'lump' stayed there, the same size until about 6 months ago. today it is about the size of my fist. the vet says she doesn't seem to be in any pain from it. there is really no way of knowing if it is something worse or just a weird cist.
the scary part....and why i am even sharing all of that she has started showing signs of arthritis. :( and since she has started, over a month ago, it has kept getting worse. :( today she woke up and it took her about a half hour to walk to our back door. i then realized this isn't going to get any better. i'm taking her to the vet monday. i am scared.
i am scared that they are going to take her away from me. that they will say there is no miracle drug. they will tell me that it would be selfish to take her home instead of putting her to rest.
she is like one of my kids.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
my 12 yr. old daughter has so far been diagnosed with 'severe allergies'. we are amidst a medication regiment to see if this will be a simpler fix but after about 3 weeks now, we realize that testing will need to be done. at this point i am ready to KNOW what triggers her discomfort.
i did gain some great advice from some of the girls over at CMK who's either had allergies or their children do. i truly appreciate the 'fellowship' that goes on over there.
on a funky note, lol...hubby called me to look out our front window yesterday morning to question me about what was across the street at our park in standing water (they have a draining issue over on their basketball court...which to this day my 3 yr. old thinks we have a lake...sometimes, ha.) after trying to sneak up and take some photographs i looked online comparing birds and decided that it was in fact a Blue Heron bird. now, i am sure some people that live near bigger water areas are familiar and don't think much of these feathered things but us city folk that don't get out to the water'y' places don't see big birds like this too often. lol this thing stood over 3ft tall and when it opened it's wings there was a span of about 6ft!!! i was amazed. lol
(the pic isn't so great as i was so far away for fear of scaring it way. lol)
Monday, September 15, 2008
remember my other post where i had a question about the unreceived winning prize off of a site??? yes, i know, it wasn't long ago. lol
well, a box arrived today. a VERY niced sized box. i'm overwhelmed as i didn't expect much and received a great selection of new goodies. i'm sure retail wise, it's well over $100!!! i would loved to have taken a photo and shared, but it would have been obvious to where it came from.
i just wanted to share with you girlies who encouraged me to send an email. :) thanks a bunch!
Monday, September 8, 2008
if you won a "prize" online at a site and never received it, what would you do?
i'm not a greedy person by no means but i was soooooo looking forward to this package and i believe i was forgotten. :( it wasn't just a rak but it was a Q&A game that i figured out first. i feel bad even thinking about emailing them to remind them but at the same time....darn it....i want to play with the goodies that were offered! lol
{hanging my head, not knowing what to do...}
p.s. it's been OVER 4 months.