Wednesday, September 17, 2008


my 12 yr. old daughter has so far been diagnosed with 'severe allergies'.  we are amidst a medication regiment to see if this will be a simpler fix but after about 3 weeks now, we realize that testing will need to be done.  at this point i am ready to KNOW what triggers her discomfort.

i did gain some great advice from some of the girls over at CMK who's either had allergies or their children do.  i truly appreciate the 'fellowship' that goes on over there.


on a funky note, lol...hubby called me to look out our front window yesterday morning to question me about what was across the street at our park in standing water (they have a draining issue over on their basketball court...which to this day my 3 yr. old thinks we have a lake...sometimes, ha.)  after trying to sneak up and take some photographs i looked online comparing birds and decided that it was in fact a Blue Heron bird.  now, i am sure some people that live near bigger water areas are familiar and don't think much of these feathered things but us city folk that don't get out to the water'y' places don't see big birds like this too often. lol  this thing stood over 3ft tall and when it opened it's wings there was a span of about 6ft!!!  i was amazed. lol

Today 008.2 

(the pic isn't so great as i was so far away for fear of scaring it way. lol)


  1. Yep, that's a heron. Their legs bend the wrong way, don't they? What a crazy thing to see in the middle of the city! It must have been heading South and saw the big puddle, lol.

  2. Wow, that is huge!! I think I saw one in the pond at the golf course near me recently! And ITA, the gals at CMK rock! Happy day to you.

  3. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe you have a new look going on here! I love it!!! How did you do it?

  4. What a cool photo! Glad you're getting some help for your DD.

  5. NO amy, the picture is FANTASTIC! such an amazing bird but we have a heron that eats the koi out of our pond. we have to take many precautions to keep the fish safe during the heron's feeding season.
    HUGE hugs and good luck with your daughter - will be thinking of you. loves, rachel

  6. sorry to hear about your girl and her allergies - I know how miserable that can be. Glad you're getting some tests done to control the outbreaks. And great pic! Those birds are pretty amazing! And congrats on finally receiving your goodies! That's awesome!

  7. That is a very nice photo of that heron! We have one that likes to frequent our neighbors pond. I haven't been able to ever get a great picture. Glad to be of help over on the CMK boards!

  8. I actually think that is a really good picture...great job Amy!
    I know what you mean, a few years ago we had a population of seagulls come into the city and they have come back every year. before that I had never seen a seagull in ND, especially not in the city. I know they are not opposed to cities or people but it was still surprising as not like we are on or near a lake or ocean.
    I hope your daughter gets some relief soon from her allergies...poor girl! I had bad allergies when I worked at Wal-MArt but ever since I quit I've never had them.

  9. and I love the new banner! cute :)
