Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Cherished Moment.

I had the opportunity to meet this wonderful lady in April of this year. We instantly connected and chatted like we've known one another forever! I helped her the other day and she made a layout JUST FOR ME! I'm extremely excited because I LOVE HER WORK! Please check her blog out and be inspired...thanks a million, Robyn!

unfinished layouts...

Ever have those layouts that you think you are done with but then you look again and there is definately something missing?!? Well, I have a few of those laying around here. Very frustrating. How about you?

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Finding Me...

I've decided.

I've decided to start a "ME" album. Some of you can relate (especially if you are a mother) to me when I explain how I never put me first, don't buy things for myself, just let myself go. I do this time and time again and then... I stop and realize that I can't anymore, so I do stuff for myself for awhile. Well, I'm at that point again...doing for myself. lol I've come to the conclusion that this will keep repeating itself. I don't get my hair cut every 6 weeks, I don't replace my shoes unless there are big holes in 'em, I don't buy myself clothes unless I NEED them, etc..etc.... Then one day I wake up and say to myself "hey, I need to do things for me. If I don't I'm going to go crazy!". Seriously, nobobdy is perfect. I get stressed, down, tired. Maybe it's the change of seasons too. Who knows. I don't want to spend the rest of the year figuring it out, but I want to do for ME right now. lol Yes, a little selfish but I'm over looking it. hehe Anyone else with me? Comment and tell me something you've done for YOU today!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

What's under YOUR desk?

Ha. I have to share what is usually under my feet when I scrap! Yep, that is my 1.5 year old son, Brody. Sometimes he is patient and just lays down there for awhile, other times he sneaks up into my drawers...ughhh....gotta love him though.

Walmart find!!!

Are you sitting down??? These foam alpha sets were $1.47 each! They have BOTH upper and lower case letters. My local WM is restocking the scrap section and they just put these out. What a great addition to my alphas at a FANTASTIC price! Go get some!

Mother's Day...

Was wonderful. We didn't do anything too exciting but I truly know I'm appreciated! My hubby always buys me beautiful cards and takes the time to write why he loves me and thanks me for being a wonderful mother. Always makes me tear'y' eyed. I received gift certificates, wine rack, candles, and of course those hand made goodies my kid's bring home from school. I'm lucky. As I tucked my kids in sunday night I told them that I had the best mother's day and asked them if they knew why...they looked at me puzzled. I told them that it was because I had each of them in my life to "mother". I thanked them for loving me and for allowing me to raise them the best that I am able to. They are still young...they smiled and hugged me. I love them to pieces....all THREE of them! I'm lucky, did I say that already?!?

Friday, May 12, 2006

Scrapbooking Ring Surf

What is it? It's a link that you place on your website/blog to link awsome scrappers together. It's free, fairly simple, and is a great way to get more views to your awsome creations! If your interested please go here...Scrapbook Artists and see what has started. You can simply join by clicking "join" in the Scrapbook Artists box at the right of my blog here. Any questions please email me! Have a Scrappy Day! {hugs}

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Layout share!

* BIG thanks to my friend Robin B. for helping with the title! {hugs girlie}

It's a rainy day...

The blog topic of your favorite teacher was brought up today and it made me quickly think of mine. Her name was Mrs. Hill, she was my high school business teacher. What a sweet older lady she was. She only stood about 4'5" but she stood her own. She wasn't strict or anything. She enlightened us with knowledge but was a cool person. She often praised me for my business sense and forseen that direction of a career in my future. I loved going to her class, which was next to the last class of the day. I often think of her, knowing she was older (probably 60's), and wonder if she is still living. I don't even know if she had a clue of what kind of impression she made on me but I thank her for it. Then there was an art teacher named, Mrs. Stephens. She was a little more direct with her teaching. She would point out what one would need to work on to achieve a certain medium in art. I admired her, she was very talented. I guess she instilled some form of confidence in me and that is partly why I'm confident in my artistic/creative ability today. Thank you too....Mrs. Stephens!

RAK winner!!!

Congrats Tanya! You were the drawn winner by my little guy, Brody. lol If you would email me with your addy I will gladly get your good bag out!

Monday, May 8, 2006

CMK blog challenge

Chelsea at CMK offer's blog challenges daily and this one today really got me thinking. She challenged us to list 5 things that our scrapping says about us or 5 things that people would remember most about us.

1. Being a mother has been my dream and desire. I would hope to be remembered how hard I tried to be the best mother. I feel that my layouts reflect that since I scrap about little wonderful everyday moments. My family already comments and acknowledges the fact that I really live for my children.

2. I hope they realize that I cherish my family and friends. I take every change I get to make memories with them. I take photographs daily and express to them all how important it is.

3. My creativity...for as long as I can remember I've had this craft. I could throw a party together in a heartbeat and people would 'ooohhh' and 'awwwhhhh' over my centerpieces I whipped up with paper plates, things from nature, some hot glue and spray paint. (don't laugh, I've done it!) lol I've done interior design, event planning, and scrapbooked for years. I truly hope everyone appreciates my scrapbooks and photographs that they can share with their family.

4. My good nature. My passion to help others and encourage them. I strongly believe there is no reason anyone can't try something once. I encourage and help with this constantly. I praise and acknowledge every good effort and point out little things my children do with gratitude.

5. My humor is important. I LOVE when people smile. I can carry on a serious conversation btu have to throw in a lite joke at the end. I don't care for serious faces. I go crazy being around someone that seems secluded or reserve...just ask my hubby or best friend. lol I met my best friend when I threw a chalk eraser at her during a business class in high school. Com'on she was too serious and quiet. She's loved me ever since. {big grin here} Hubby, well he was all seriousness and work when I met work. I went out of my way to break down his silent wall. Guess what??? I had to bring him home then...sigh. lol

These are things that I believe are great about me. I show this all in my layouts and journaling. I'm happy with my life and hope my family will find me interesting and memorable. {hugs}

What about you? Wanna list YOUR 5 things???

Sunday, May 7, 2006

>>>NSD RAK<<<

Ok, I have been sorting through my scrap 'piles' and decided to give a goodie package away

the first 10 people to leave a comment in this entry will be entered into a drawing for this goodie bag! Good Luck!

Saturday, May 6, 2006

National Scrapbook Day!


It's here and I'm not scrapping yet. Day is half over...sigh. I have good intentions so I will share my goals for this weekend.

Scrappy Goals

*start 3 matchbook albums for mother's day gifts. (started two of them)
*enter atleast 3 contests at my fav online scrap sites this weekend. (yes, entered 5 contests, won one!)
*have a mini photo shoot at the park sunday with the fam. (no, everyone was SICK!)
*clear my scrap desk sunday evening. (cleared a spot! lol)
*make 2 thank you cards and have ready to send out monday. (no made a mother's day card and graduation card)

ok, I'm not pushing it because we have other things to do this weekend also. I will be estatic if I get any of these accomplished! hehe

Friday, May 5, 2006

Happy NSD! (National Scrapbook Day, May 6th)

I'm sure there are several places online and local around you that are hosting crops and such but I want to put a "plug" in on one of my favorite sites CMK

Schedule of Events

Friday May 5th, 2006: 12:00 p.m. (noon) - Roll Call begins! There will be a ROLL CALL thread posted in the forum and you will have to check in to be eligible for the door prizes!Saturday May 6th, 2006: (all times are CST)12:00 p.m. - Roll Call Ends12:00 p.m. - Paper Arts class project and description is posted in forum1:00 p.m. - First Door Prize Winner is announced (drawn from roll call roster)2:00 p.m. - Mass Communication class project and description is posted in forum3:00 p.m. - Second Door Prize Winner is announced4:00 p.m. - Photo Journalism class project and description is posted in forum5:00 p.m. - Third Door Prize Winner is announced6:00 p.m. - Advertising 101 class project and description is posted in forum7:00 p.m. - Fourth Door Prize Winner is announced8:00 p.m. - Teacher's Pet door prizes are announced (1st one done with each class)9:00 p.m. - Fifth Door Prize winner is announcedSunday May 7th:10:00 a.m. - S.A.T. Exam is posted in forum 12:00 p.m. - CherryArte Layouts Due for Contest Judging4:00 p.m. - S.A.T. Exam entries are due5:00 p.m. - S.A.T. Door Prize Winner is announced6:00 p.m. - All class projects due (uploaded to gallery)7:00 p.m. - CherryArte Layout Contest Winner is announced8:00 p.m. - CMK Scrap Class President Winner is announced Monday May 8th:11:00 a.m. - Weekend Grand Prize winner of the Mystery Tote will be announced!

***NOTE: I will be giving away a 'goodie bag' this weekend in honor of NSD, so watch my blog! Good Luck!

Thursday, May 4, 2006

strange moment

My enter today was sparked by a doorbell ring about 10 mintues ago here at my home. I opened the door to an elderly man holding a cane and wearing a smile. He started rambling something about veterans and how the only person that shut the door on his face was a Jahova Witness (hope I spelled that right). He grabbed from his pocket a laminated lisence (??). It was faded and warn and had something about being a veteran on it. He proceeded to question me on my family or friends that have served in the war. I wasn't aware of any immediate family that did, but I have relatives in the service now. I handed his "license" back to him and he traded me that for another laminated page that was worn and tattered as well. I couldn't tell what it was nor could I understand what he was actually saying. Then instantly as he was rambling he grabbed the paper from my hand and stated that I didn't seem to be interested and stormed off. I stood there shocked a little. Not really knowing if he was selling something or just honestly lost and confused. I feel guilty for some reason. I admire and respect those that served in any war and I had no intention of disrespecting him. Did I? I don't know. It happened so quickly. All I was trying to do was understand everything he was mumbling. I admit I don't like door to door salesman and will never buy something from that source. As I watched him walk quickly away I felt like I should have said something....I'm sorry....please come back??? I don't think he was selling anything. I hope I didn't hurt his feelings.

Wednesday, May 3, 2006


I entered a challenge at Imagine Create Scrap! and it was geared toward whom we have met on that site or someone we admire, inspired by, etc.

I finished mine and entered it. I totally admire Sandi Minchuk (see blog link to right) and I had fun doing this layout. I'm excited to find out who wins.


*tan! ha....had to throw a fun one in! ;>



Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Why I Scrapbook!!!

*this topic was sparked by Chelsea @

I can remember when I was in my pre-teen days and I would tuck and save ticket stubs, package wrappers, and even cloth swatches from special times. I would take a camera to about every event and get together. You should see my senior scrap book! It doesn't shut, not even close! It's more of an "L" shape and stored in a box of it's own. lol I LOVE looking back through it. Fast forward a few years to about a year before my first child, Sydnee. I was just married, we were moving into our first apartment, it was the life I had hoped for. I started scrapping it. I documented everything. Soon my daughter came, so did mounds of photographs of her! Two more children later, a home, and a stronger passion...I know why I scrap. I scrap because I want to relive, share, pass on...memories and happenings that can only be relived, passed on, or shared through documenting on something that is archival safe. Hence...Scrapbooking! I don't understand why some people DON'T scrap?!?