Saturday, May 6, 2006

National Scrapbook Day!


It's here and I'm not scrapping yet. Day is half over...sigh. I have good intentions so I will share my goals for this weekend.

Scrappy Goals

*start 3 matchbook albums for mother's day gifts. (started two of them)
*enter atleast 3 contests at my fav online scrap sites this weekend. (yes, entered 5 contests, won one!)
*have a mini photo shoot at the park sunday with the fam. (no, everyone was SICK!)
*clear my scrap desk sunday evening. (cleared a spot! lol)
*make 2 thank you cards and have ready to send out monday. (no made a mother's day card and graduation card)

ok, I'm not pushing it because we have other things to do this weekend also. I will be estatic if I get any of these accomplished! hehe


  1. OOOO Amy! I'm loving the new look of your blog! Just fabulous!! Can you help me with my header? I know what I want but I can't seem to figure out how to do it!

  2. So, did ya get some stuff knocked off that list?
