Monday, May 8, 2006

CMK blog challenge

Chelsea at CMK offer's blog challenges daily and this one today really got me thinking. She challenged us to list 5 things that our scrapping says about us or 5 things that people would remember most about us.

1. Being a mother has been my dream and desire. I would hope to be remembered how hard I tried to be the best mother. I feel that my layouts reflect that since I scrap about little wonderful everyday moments. My family already comments and acknowledges the fact that I really live for my children.

2. I hope they realize that I cherish my family and friends. I take every change I get to make memories with them. I take photographs daily and express to them all how important it is.

3. My creativity...for as long as I can remember I've had this craft. I could throw a party together in a heartbeat and people would 'ooohhh' and 'awwwhhhh' over my centerpieces I whipped up with paper plates, things from nature, some hot glue and spray paint. (don't laugh, I've done it!) lol I've done interior design, event planning, and scrapbooked for years. I truly hope everyone appreciates my scrapbooks and photographs that they can share with their family.

4. My good nature. My passion to help others and encourage them. I strongly believe there is no reason anyone can't try something once. I encourage and help with this constantly. I praise and acknowledge every good effort and point out little things my children do with gratitude.

5. My humor is important. I LOVE when people smile. I can carry on a serious conversation btu have to throw in a lite joke at the end. I don't care for serious faces. I go crazy being around someone that seems secluded or reserve...just ask my hubby or best friend. lol I met my best friend when I threw a chalk eraser at her during a business class in high school. Com'on she was too serious and quiet. She's loved me ever since. {big grin here} Hubby, well he was all seriousness and work when I met work. I went out of my way to break down his silent wall. Guess what??? I had to bring him home then...sigh. lol

These are things that I believe are great about me. I show this all in my layouts and journaling. I'm happy with my life and hope my family will find me interesting and memorable. {hugs}

What about you? Wanna list YOUR 5 things???


  1. Love your list Amy. Mine is posted on my blog.

  2. Awwww, how sweet....I love your list.
