Thursday, May 4, 2006

strange moment

My enter today was sparked by a doorbell ring about 10 mintues ago here at my home. I opened the door to an elderly man holding a cane and wearing a smile. He started rambling something about veterans and how the only person that shut the door on his face was a Jahova Witness (hope I spelled that right). He grabbed from his pocket a laminated lisence (??). It was faded and warn and had something about being a veteran on it. He proceeded to question me on my family or friends that have served in the war. I wasn't aware of any immediate family that did, but I have relatives in the service now. I handed his "license" back to him and he traded me that for another laminated page that was worn and tattered as well. I couldn't tell what it was nor could I understand what he was actually saying. Then instantly as he was rambling he grabbed the paper from my hand and stated that I didn't seem to be interested and stormed off. I stood there shocked a little. Not really knowing if he was selling something or just honestly lost and confused. I feel guilty for some reason. I admire and respect those that served in any war and I had no intention of disrespecting him. Did I? I don't know. It happened so quickly. All I was trying to do was understand everything he was mumbling. I admit I don't like door to door salesman and will never buy something from that source. As I watched him walk quickly away I felt like I should have said something....I'm sorry....please come back??? I don't think he was selling anything. I hope I didn't hurt his feelings.


  1. omgosh that is kinda weird,but I am like you I would have felt bad but what can you do. I wonder what is was trying to say? Did you notice if he went to any other house or just yours? I am sure you didnt hurt his feelings

  2. That is weird. I'm not sure what I would have done either.

    Hope you day gets better!

  3. hmmm...strange..sounds like he may not be well mentally. moments like that are always a bit frightening even if he didn't mean any harm.

  4. oh...i would have felt bad too...but the fact that you are still thinking about him shows that you had no disrespect for him...maybe he was just having a bad day...

  5. That is too bad....I'm sure it wasn't anything that you did.

  6. Thats interesting? I don't think it was you, he was probably having a bad day.
